Tuesday June 15, 2021

How to transplant Tyubukhina

Tybuchina Tree (Tibouchina SPP.) - an impressive addition, since it periodically blooms from spring to winter. The genus Tibouchina, which grows in areas from 9 to 11 according to the classification of the Ministry of Agriculture, includes 350 species of small herbs, shrubs and small trees with a height of 3 to 6 m. T. Granulosa is usually called GloryTree or Purple Glorytree, and a shrub with a princess flower ( T. Urvilleana) Sometimes grown as a small tree. These natives of South America are similar to each other with their dark purple flowers, and they have the same cultivation requirements for transplantation.


Choose a place for a full sun or in a half, with a well-drained soil.


Perform the soil analysis using a home dial to determine the pH of the soil. Gloritrises prefer slightly acidic soil; You can increase the acidity with an iron vapor or increase alkalinity with lime, depending on the results of the soil test.


Put in the soil of 5-7.5 cm of organic substances, such as the finished compost, overwhelmed, crushed leaves, beveling grass, straw or woody sawdust to make the soil more fertile and improve its structure so that the soil is more quickly drained. Make the ingredients into the soil using the Rototilera or shovel and robble.


Drop the pit for the plant is two times wider and deeper than the initial container or the depth of planting.


Put the tree of fame in the pit and confuse the soil to fill the pit, following the soil cover the root crown above the soil level in the source container for landing. Discover the soil gently to remove air pockets and provide contact between roots and soil.


Pour the plant deeply so that the soil is carefully moistened, but not impregnated with moisture. Water the plant often to maintain the soil in a wet state for more abundant flowering. If you prefer to save water, then glorious trees are very drought-resistant plants that need deep watering just once a week, but drought reduces the amount of flowering.


Make an integrated fertilizer around the plant, for example, 10-10-10 with equal parts of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, following the instructions for applying a specific type of fertilizer. For example, add a water-soluble fertilizer in conventional water or add granular fertilizers as feeding into the soil around the plant. Repeat the feeder at the end of each flowering cycle. Looking for reliable forex broker in Nigeria? Best forex brokers on https://smartlagos.org/category/forex-brokers/ in Lagos, Nigeria. Find you who!
